Collaboration highlighted as theme during CLEAR's 2nd Annual Symposium

CLEAR hosted our second annual symposium on Thursday, May 16. The theme of the conference was "CLEAR Collaborations: Expanding Connections."

After opening remarks by Co-Directors Melissa Runge-Morris and Carol Miller, Session 1 showcased some great examples of effective collaboration outcomes at CLEAR, from epidemiological sampling to phytoscreening, and from centerwide chemical analysis to disaster response, by Jennifer Straughen, Andrea Cassidy-Bushrow, Brendan O'Leary, Paul Stemmer, and Nicholas Peraino.

Attendees at 2nd Annual CLEAR Symposium
Dr. Melissa Runge-Morris giving opening remarks
Dr. Paul Stemmer (CAC)

Session 2 featured special guests Matt Cave (University of Louisville Superfund Research Center) and Anna Hoover (University of Kentucky Superfund Research Center) talking about the opportunities, challenges and best practices for environmental health collaboration, with Q&A moderated by Rahul Mitra.

Dr. Matt Cave's (U of Louisville) presentation
Dr. Anna Hoover (U of Kentucky) discusses role of the social sciences in collaboration practices

Session 3 of the CLEAR Symposium featured Teresa Holtrop of Kid's Health Connections, Shirley Mann Gray, MSW, LMSW of the Detroit Dept. of Health, Lyke Thompson, and Sonia Hassan from the WSU Office of Women’s Health on discussions to organize a community-led coalition to address VOC impacts in Detroit.

Lyke Thompson with Teresa Holstrop (standing) during presentation

Finally, congratulations to all the CLEAR trainees who presented lightning talks on their funded pilot projects in Session 4, facilitated by Michael Petriello and Donna Kashian, who fielded questions for the poster session concluding the day!

Drs. Mike Petriello (L) and Donna Kashian (R) at podium moderating questions during trainee lightning talk
Sydney Scofield (Project 4) lightning talk
Qisen Wang (Project 2) discusses his poster on the IoTEC Sensor Network
Mackenzie Connell (Project 3 - Left)
Dr. Brendan O'Leary (Project 1 - Right) discusses poster with Ebissa Kedir, post-doc with Healthy Urban Waters
Homègnon Antonin Ferréol Bah (Project 5 - HFHS post doc) discusses poster with fellow attendees
Dima Awad (Project 3)

Much thanks to our amazing program manager Lara Treemore Spears for doing so much of the heavy lifting behind the scenes to organize this event! And to Karina Branson for her graphic recording skills which captured the discussions at the event, so we may better communicate this work with broader audiences. You can watch Karina’s videos on our YouTube channel here.

Sketchwork about CLEAR research by artist Karina Branson
CLEAR 2024 symposium attendees, faculty, & researchers


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