Adam Hollier discusses Science to Policy with CLEAR, WSU

Former Michigan State Senator and current Wayne State teaching professor in Urban Studies and Planning Adam Hollier gave a workshop on Monday, November 27th titled, "From Science to Policy," hosted by CLEAR and OVPR. 

Adam Hollier is a lifelong Detroiter, Army Veteran, and current congressional candidate in Michigan's 13th district. He brought his experience as a policymaker to CLEAR faculty and trainees, including over 40 attendees between in-person and Zoom attendance. The goal was to help academics think about how to translate their research findings effectively to policymakers at the local, state, and national level, in order to broaden impacts and knowledge of scientific research beyond academia. Hollier focused his talk on key aspects of CLEAR research through an engaging lecture, including the harms PFAS, dioxanes, and cracked cell phone screens can pose for the average individual. 

Hollier encouraged scientists to think through how to discuss complicated topics when their audience is policymakers who may not always have the time or background to comprehend the nuances of their research. His advice? Keep the message short and simple, have the "so what?" ready, and understand who benefits and loses from policy recommendations. 

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